Work group 4 - Ring trials and quality assurance


Working Group 4 is aiming for all laboratories globally to conduct NGS on bacteria and virus to the highest degree of quality.

This working group (WG) is working on establishing a proficiency testing (PT) infrastructure for GMI and other partners using whole genome sequencing to ensure high quality and reliable data.

In 2014, a pilot PT was conducted, which has been followed up by a full roll out of the PT focusing on testing the quality of sequencing bacteria and DNA hereof as well as cluster analysis on sets of genomes. Data from the PT will be available for analysis in the autumn of 2015.

In addition, the WG works on setting up a parallel virus pilot proficiency test scheme initially focusing on identification of virus in matrices from metagenomics sequencing data. Subsequently, the aim is also send send out samples containing virus.

Member organisation#

How members are organised in the GMI working groups.

Member organisation chart

See GMI roadmap from May 2016: GMI working group status/work plan

GMI working group status
Global Microbial Identifier

GMI envisions a global system of DNA genome databases for microbial and infectious disease identification and diagnostics. Such a system will benefit those tackling individual problems at the frontline, clinicians, veterinarian, etc., as well as policy-makers, regulators, and industry.

By enabling access to this global resource, a professional response on health threats will be within reach of all countries with basic laboratory infrastructure.